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Giving Back

We’re proud to give back to each community we visit, and honoured to support these worthy charities

Woods Home

Wood’s Homes is a children’s mental health centre. We provide treatment and support to children, youth and families with mental health needs. A place of caring and trust, Wood’s Homes is here for individuals and families when they don’t know what else to do, or have nowhere else to turn.

Based in Calgary with locations in Lethbridge, Strathmore and Fort McMurray. Our 600 staff and 100 volunteers provide 40+ programs and services for 20,000 children and their families every year.

Farming Smarter

Farming Smarter is a southern Alberta agriculture non-profit association with a network of dedicated farmers, agronomists and industry partners that inspire and motivate us. We follow lines of research that lead to on-farm adaptations and adoption of agronomic practices and technologies that ensure the success of people engaged with us.

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