July 29, 2022

(Winkler,  Manitoba – July 29th, 2022) Event organizers of the Thanks for Farming Tour-Winkler Edition are pleased with the successful outcome of the event hosted at the Meridian Exhibition Center this week. Winkler marked the 14th stop for the Thanks for Farming Tour since the inception in 2020. The event was all about thanking the hard working Ag community and giving back to the local communities they visit by selecting a deserving charity for each stop. With over 50 agriculture companies showcasing their products and services both inside and outdoors, with over 500 attendees throughout July 27th and 28th, show organizers are happy with the outcome. 

“We are proud to have been able to bring thanks to the hard working producers while they prepare for harvest in Manitoba, and so proud to have been able to raise over $11,000 for our charity of choice; Central Station.” Jeremy Matuszewski, one of the Show Organizers said.” “The Thanks for Farming Tour was started in 2020 due to the cancellation of large Ag events. It was such a unique concept with giving back to charities within the communities; and giving thanks to the farmers for all they do.” Says Mark Lussier, VP of Sales from Mandako

Matuszewski says the show’s success can be attributed to a number of factors. The education and commerce being key, as it is at any agriculture industry Ag show. Exhibitors with great quality products, combined with qualified attendees, in a great location with top industry speakers, provided something for everyone.

“This could not have been done without the partners that believed in us along with the great support from our host cities, exhibitors and attendees.” says Matuszewski. “Our Title Sponsors Mandako, Meridian Manufacturing Inc. and Thunderstruck Ag Equipment have contributed greatly to these events. We have been able to provide complimentary lunches and beverages and start a scholarship for youth to name a few contributions.”

The vision of the Thanks for Farming Tour is to hold events that allow them to connect with the Ag community and say thank you to the resilient and adaptable growers, producers while giving back to Ag in Canada. Being able to end the 2022 tour in Winkler with a great turnout was the best possible outcome for the Winkler based company. For more information on the Thanks for Farming Tour visit www.thanksforfarmingtour.com or contact Jeremy Matuszewski at Jeremy@thanksforfarmingtour.com